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Cycling in Oregon

Great cycling along the Pacific coast of Oregon. Or more inland, over the hills or through the fertile Willamette Valley.

Cycling conditions
Oregon was one of the first states with the so-called “Complete Streets Policy” where cyclists are equal road users. Motorized traffic is actively informed about this. The good cycling infrastructure that is created is reflected in a wide offer of bicycle tours.

Along the Pacific coast two forested mountain ranges run parallel from north to south, the Coastal Range and the Cascade Range. In between is the fertile Willamette Valley. East of the two mountain ridges begins a large desert-like lava plateau that extends to the eastern border of Oregon.

Relatively mild weather in the western half – cool summers and not very cold winters with much rain. In the (north-south), middle part a climate with less rain, hotter in summer and not very cold in winter. In eastern Oregon summers are hot and dry and winters cold and dry.